Emotions are feelings that come from experiences and thoughts that were stored in the sub- or unconscious parts of the mind. A person can either feel good or bad according to the influence of those stored memories or recollection of certain events and personal experiences.
Sickening emotions
The problem is that these emotions have an enormous effect on the health of a person. How does that happen? Memories of negative experiences are stored in the sub- and unconscious minds, sometimes so deep that the person seems to have forgotten it. According to research, these stored memories become physical nerve structures – thoughts does not stay abstract electrical currents but are changed to physical cells. In the meantime those memories have an influence on every choice one makes.
Healing of memories
The most important aspect of selfcare is to start with the healing of negative memories. This can only happen if the following is being done:
- ask the Spirit of God to show you those negative stored memories
- take time to be still and write down every memory that comes back to you
- ask yourself about each memory why you feel negative about it
- discover that each of those reasons that made a memory negative is either a lie or a half-truth (which is more dangerous than a lie)
- ask yourself what the truth is: both from practical life and seen from God’s point of view (as revealed in Scripture)
- accept the truth and start to internalise it
- it is internalised through repeated positive affirmations; by praying the solution instead of the problem; by visualising the truth and by meditating on it – in a few weeks the memory changes and the resulting emotion as well.
Stress and sickness
Most people in the modern world are stressed in one way or another. You have to fight this vicious enemy – researchers believe that up to 70% of diseases start from emotional stress. One easily blames the busy life and many responsibilities for that, but in reality each person is responsible for his/her own decisions; and each decision has consequences.
In the last instance stress comes from the emotion of fear: decisions with negative effects are made because people are afraid of losing something or being harmed. That emotion is most of the time built on an untruth – when one does his/her best and stop trusting in themselves but really trust his/her Creator-Father and his provision, it is unneccesary and unhealthy to be afraid.
Take care of your memories and your thoughts because it is your responsibility which cannot be transferred to somebody else.
‘n Mens moet verantwoordelikheid neem vir jou emosies en negatiewe herinneringe; elkeen moet selfsorg toepas deur die negatiewe met die waarheid (wat altyd positief is) te vervang. Uiteindelik is die waarheid dit wat ons Skepper-God vir ons in die Skrif sê; omdat Hy die Bron van ware Liefde is, is dit altyd positief en goed vir ons.