The complexity of a human person
The human body and mind is a complex system which is completely integrated – every part, which means every cell, organ or system, influences every other part. This influence can be either positive or negative. This complex system is in reality a mystery because it has no beginning or end, no point to start. It is self-organising and can respond where necessary and fix itself!
To grasp and remember: You are so wonderfully made that your body/mind is a mystery – value and care for yourself!
Health and balance goes together
The body/mind is constantly in change – every moment of the day and night the multiple processes affect the person and the balance of a particular system can be disrupted if it is not controlled well. The physiological complexity of every system as part of the whole cannot really be understood, but each one of us can make a difference to advance our balance and as a result, our health.
To grasp and remember: Although the body/mind can heal itself by coming to equilibrium or homeostasis, that functioning can be influenced by our lifestyle and choices.
Facets of balance
We can distinguish the following facets of balance and the main way to help the body maintain it:
Biochemical balance – eating fresh unprocessed foods, adding important supplements and using potent herbs; exercising
Energy balance – body treatments like massage, sun bathing
Nervous system balance – balance in work and rest; regular and deep sleep
Emotional balance – living a positive life; having a support system; counselling when necessary
Relationship balance – healthy socialising with intimate as well as other relationships; counselling when necessary
Spiritual balance – meditation and prayer; making sure to have life goals; beware of materialism on the one hand and too heavenly minded on the other hand; live in a personal relationship with God.
Homeostasis and balance
Homeostasis means that the body/mind has the ability to maintain its own balance. Balance on the other hand is the personal base line of each person that is different from all the others and needs to be fine-tuned in order to maintain health; this is called the personal metric. No two persons can eat the same diet to obtain optimal health – the idea of a standardised diet for all is a myth! Neither are there general rules for the amount of sleep each needed or the type of exercises to be done. The bottom line is that what is good for one person might be bad for another. Find out what is good for you and fine-tune your balkance.
To grasp and remember: You are a very unique person with your own unique personal metric and you should be yourself and not follow the crowd or be pushed along certain fads or fashions!
‘n Mens is ‘n onverstaanbaar wonderlike wese – nie ingewikkeld nie maar uiters kompleks. Die liggaam/gees is ‘n self-organiserende sisteem wat sigself kan herstel. Tog kan ons leefstyl en keuses die homeostasis ten goede of ten kwade beïnvloed. Die balans in hierdie sisteem toon dat elke mens uniek is – ons moet oppas vir mode-verskynsels ten opsige van gesondheid.