The human person is wonderfully created
A human being is wonderfully but intricately made. All the different bodily systems show the work of an unbelievably intelligent Designer. All the systems and organs are linked to each other in such a way that if one has a problem, it affects all. Do not forget the power of the mind: it also has a most important effect on the whole body and the wellness of the person. Because of our lifestyle and other factors there is no person on earth that experiences perfect wellness of body, mind and spirit.
Health problems and symptoms
When a person feels unwell, it usually shows that something is not working at well as it should. Fact is that when specific symptoms appear, a problem has normally already been there for some time. Most diseases have a considerable preamble without one realising or experiencing it.
Effective treatment.
Treatment should not only focus on the symptoms but also, and very specifically on the origin of the symptoms. Treatment normally starts with medicine and when the symptoms are severe, that is the way to go. When the symptoms subside, treatment usually stops – and that is where doctors’ work ends until the symptoms appear again. What about the origin of the problem? Who must attend to that?
The real doctor – the body
The answer can be found in a correct appraisal of health and sickness: only the body can heal itself – no-one can heal someone else. Health and wellness does not come from outside – no medicine or operation can heal a client. Those can only be aids for the person’s body to heal itself. In actuality the client is the doctor; the “patient” should not be patient but should know that he or she must actively start to enhance the body’s wellness through self-care. What a privilege we have to care for our wellness with the help of our Creator to whom we can turn in believing prayer.