Every person on earth gets the same amount of time each day. Nobody has a time-problem – only a priority-problem which exists when a person complains about a lack of time. Your first priority is your own mind-body: without caring for yourself, you cannot enjoy life or serve others. Love your neighbour … as yourself!
- Silence:
Meditation: focus on the presence of God or relax completely without trying to do something
Breathing: improve deep breathing – inhale using the diaphragm (put your hand on your stomach and feel the diaphragm extending). Exercise: inhale for 4 counts, keep breath in for 7 counts, and exhale for 8 counts; do this 5 times
Listening: what would God have in mind for you today? Listen to the Holy Spirit; read a portion of Scripture or a daily spiritual message
Prayer: answer the word you heard from God. Do not use empty phrases or words
- Journaling: writing down your thoughts for yourself; a private journal
Gratitude: make a list of at least 10 things that you can be grateful for
Dreams: what did you dream about last night? What are your dreams (goals) for your life?
Lessons: what are the lesson(s) that you feel important to remember and/or apply?
- Affirmations:
The subconscious mind often contains false ideas that negatively influence our practical life. This can be changed by regularly affirming the positive by saying it out loud: instead of “I feel incompetent for this task” you tell yourself aloud: “I am on my way to become very competent for this task”.
- Visualisation:
Use your imagination: see the positive answers to your problems in your mind – see yourself fulfilling the positive affirmations.
- Learning:
Reading: there are so many possibilities in life that you are not aware of. Start to read more books or articles on paper or on computer.
Listening: listen to knowledgeable people on radio, at conferences, or seminars.
- Exercise:
Daily exercise is absolutely necessary for body and mind. The easiest, oldest and healthiest of exercise is walking. Start with 10 minutes per day and increase the time to 40 minutes at least days per week.